(Miami, FL September 4, 2018) King Tides are expected on September 8-13, October 6-12, October 24-28 and November 4-9. In preparation, City of Miami outreach teams along with Shorecrest community leaders will be visiting residents of the flood-vulnerable Shorecrest neighborhood to share information about steps being taken to mitigate impacts and how residents can protect themselves and their property, including:
City-wide aerial surveys of anticipated high impact areas using drones
Location scouting for temporary flood alleviation measures such as tidal valves, catch-basin plugs, and temporary dams
Assessments to inform long-term stormwater infrastructure investments
Health and safety tips regarding floodwater
Ways to report flooding (311, 311 app)
Office of Resilience & Sustainability, Department of Resilience & Public Works, NET, Office of Capital Improvements
King Tide community outreach and education
Wednesday, September 5, 2018, 6-8 PM
Shorecrest Neighborhood
Meeting in front of Fire Station 13
990 NE 79 Street
Miami, FL 33138