ECPAT recognizes Volaris

ECPAT recognizes Volaris

Volaris was recognized by the international organization ECPAT (End Child Prostitution, Child Pornography and Trafficking of Children for Sexual Purposes) for its commitment to sustainable tourism and for the promotion of initiatives that prevent and combat commercial sexual exploitation of children. and adolescents in travel and tourism (ESCNNAVT).

In line with the objectives of sustainable tourism, and concerned about the communities in which it operates, as well as the integrity of our clients, Volaris seeks to generate the right conditions – from an ethical and social perspective – to prevent and combat exploitation crimes Commercial sexual of girls, boys and adolescents in the trips and the tourism (ESCNNAVT).

“Tourism, as a bidirectional process between locals and tourists, must be developed in a sustainable way to protect girls, boys and adolescents from exploitation. When this activity takes place without taking into account the vulnerabilities of local populations, several forms of exploitation may prevail against the segment of the population that is in childhood and adolescence, ”said Norma Elena Negrete, National Coordinator of the ECPAT Network for Mexico.

According to ECPAT Mexico, it is estimated that around three million people travel around the world with the intention of sexually exploiting men and women under 18. Data from the Ministry of Tourism indicate that in our country every year between 16 and 20 thousand girls, boys and adolescents are sexually exploited.

“According to the ECPAT Global Study on the Sexual Exploitation of Girls, Boys and Adolescents in the Travel and Tourism Context, in Latin America the arrival of tourists has quadrupled since 1980 and the number of domestic travelers has doubled that of foreign tourists. This same study reveals that half of the inhabitants are in childhood and adolescence, which demonstrates the need to protect, through international policies and protocols, the most vulnerable population, ”said Enrique Beltranena, Executive President and CEO of You will fly.

Since 2013, Volaris has trained more than 4,500 operational Ambassadors (pilots, surcharges and airport personnel) to identify possible ECPAT Codes and alert authorities to cases where the safety and integrity of a child or adolescent is compromised.

“The aviation industry is key in the prevention of trafficking and exploitation of those in childhood and adolescence because it is an enabler of the transport of people, goods and services, as well as cultural exchange. The alliance we have had for six years with Volaris has been fundamental to raise awareness about the fight and prevention of these crimes. If as the tourism industry grows, more actors join together, we can ensure a sustainable socio-economic development ”, concluded Norma Elena.

Similarly, in relation to the migration crisis and in addition to the alliance with ECPAT, Volaris is developing a protocol for the care of unaccompanied children and adolescents, together with the National Migration Institute of Mexico, which will allow The airline has even more robust protocols to guarantee the safety of men and women under 18 traveling without a companion.