EBRD and UN Women high-level virtual roundtable: Rebuild, boost, transform – gender approaches for an inclusive recovery

EBRD and UN Women high-level virtual roundtable: Rebuild, boost, transform – gender approaches for an inclusive recovery

The EBRD and UN Women are holding a high-level virtual roundtable to discuss concrete recommendations on how to “build back better” for women and girls.

EBRD President Odile Renaud-Basso and UN Women Executive Director Phumzile Mlambo-Ngcuka will co-host the event and will be joined by UN Deputy Secretary-General Amina Mohammed.

The event will bring together government leaders, policymakers, private sector participants, and development partners and practitioners. .

Nisha Pillai, former BBC World News anchor, will moderate the event. Panellists will explore opportunities for closer cooperation between financing and development institutions and policymakers to achieve greater impact.

As the effect of the pandemic on women and men is both extensive and specific, with women being disproportionately affected, global partners have a unique opportunity to rebuild more efficiently. Post-Covid-19 policies that promote and diversify growth can ensure women’s participation in the economy and address income inequalities.

Enhanced economic growth that is more efficient and sustainable can be achieved by addressing gender-specific issues through stimulus packages and by incorporating successful gender approaches into the recovery phase to create ensure long-term economic resilience.

The event will be streamed on Facebook, watch it live.