the U.S. Department of Commerce announced an affirmative final determination in the antidumping duty (AD) investigation…
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Eighth China Round Table underlines contributions of accessions to WTO reform
The Eighth China Round Table on WTO Accessions, hosted in Moscow by the Russian Government on…
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USDA Trade Mission Shines Light on Prosper Africa by Boosting U.S.-Africa Trade
U.S. Deputy Secretary of Agriculture Stephen Censky led a successful trade mission to West Africa, October…
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China International Import Expo opening ceremony
Last year’s Expo was a sign of the Chinese government’s commitment to integration with the global…
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Trade wars ‘creating a 21st century Cold War’
Trade wars show no sign of lessening going into 2020 and continue to pose a significant…
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It’s Crunch Time on USMCA
This is a critical time for our economy. While employment and wage growth are up, manufacturing…
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Trade with Canada and Mexico supports 750,400 jobs in Florida
Congress is gearing up for a vote on the U.S.-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA) – a trade decision…
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US business in Europe welcomes EU negotiation mandate
The American Chamber of Commerce to the European Union (AmCham EU) welcomes today’s adoption by the…
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Trade War Impacting Air Freight Demand
Geneva – The International Air Transport Association (IATA) released data for global air freight markets showing that…
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Highlight RD opportunity to position nearshore destination
The Dominican Republic has a great opportunity to plant a regional, hemispheric and global positioning strategy…
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