IDB Launches CAD 500 Million 0.875% 7-year Fixed Rate Global Sustainable Development Bond

The Inter-American Development Bank (“IDB” or “IADB”), rated Aaa/AAA (Moody’s/S&P), priced last week a new CAD…

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Port authority urgently calls for congress to act on request for $3 billion in federal relief following precipitous decline in passenger volumes caused by covid-19 pandemic

$20 Billion in Public and Private Investment for Capital Construction Projects Over Next Five Years in…

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Transparency Makes Central Banks More Effective and Trusted

The role and mandates of central banks have become broader and more complex since the 2008…

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Unemployment in Today’s Recession Compared to the Global Financial Crisis

There has been much discussion in recent months about how workers who transitioned to working from…

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Dominant Currencies and the Limits of Exchange Rate Flexibility

Faced with an unprecedented shock of collapsing global demand and commodity prices, capital outflows, major supply…

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Fiscal Policies for a Transformed World post COVID-19

The ongoing COVID-19 pandemic has already prompted an unprecedented fiscal policy response of close to $11…

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Countries Can Take Steps Now to Rebuild from COVID-19

Securing core public services, getting money directly to people and maintaining the private sector will limit…

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Digital financial inclusion in times of the COVID-19 pandemic

The COVID-19 pandemic could be a game changer for digital financial services. Low-income households and small…

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Access to financial information: a pillar of tax transparency and the fight against fraud

Tax administrations, given the nature of their functions, require access to information held by the financial…

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Deloitte: COVID-19 Accelerates Cycle of Paid Entertainment Subscriptions and Cancellations

Key takeaways U.S. consumers had an average of 12 paid media and entertainment subscriptions pre-COVID-19.  Eighty percent of…

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