New generative-AI technologies hold immense potential for boosting productivity and improving the delivery of public services, but the…
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IDB, IDB Invest and IDB Lab Launch 2024 Report on Results and Impact of Operations
Study highlights 75% compliance with Corporate Results Framework 2020-2023 goals The Inter-American Development Bank (IDB), IDB…
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The role of space agencies in boosting R&D and business development
The space sector has historically been a source of innovation and technological change. Today, we are…
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Using a mix of regulatory and soft law tax measures to combat illicit financial flows
Illicit financial flows (IFFs) are often associated with illegal activities, such as money laundering, tax evasion,…
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ARTICLE: Sovereign Debt Restructuring Process Is Improving Amid Cooperation and Reform
The global economy avoided what could have been a systemic debt crisis during the turbulence of…
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Dollar Dominance in the International Reserve System: An Update
The US dollar continues to cede ground to nontraditional currencies in global foreign exchange reserves, but…
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Mapping the World’s Readiness for Artificial Intelligence Shows Prospects Diverge
New AI Preparedness Index Dashboard tracks 174 economies based on their digital infrastructure, human capital, labor…
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IDB Invest and Financial Entities Share Experiences in Document Management
IDB Invest organized the “Reality and Challenges of Document Management in Financial Entities” event in Costa…
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IDB Invest Joins Forces with CIBC Caribbean to Support Sustainable Development Projects in the Caribbean
IDB Invest and CIBC Caribbean have announced an agreement establishing a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU), signaling…
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IDB Invest and Banco Promerica Announce the First Sustainable Bond with Incentives Linked
IDB Invest subscribed the first sustainable bond with incentives linked to objectives issued by Banco Promerica…
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