Customs collects more than RD $ 137 million during 2018

Customs collects more than RD $ 137 million during 2018

The General Directorate of Customs (DGA) collected RD $ 137,122.59 million between the January-December period of the year just concluded year, showing an increase of RD $ 21,787.37 million in relation to 2017, corresponding to 18.89% higher than the reference year.

According to the report, and after making a comparative analysis with the previous years starting in 2011, the figure constitutes the highest annual growth rate achieved in the last 8 years, which is why it is considered a growth never seen in values absolute.

This increase is above the growth of domestic non-oil imports of 14.06% and 7.00% of the growth of the Monthly Index of Economic Activity (IMAE) in the period January-December 2018.

Customs notes that these results respond to the actions implemented towards efficiency and improvements reflected in the work in the daily operations of the institution, involved in transformations from the beginning of this management to the facilitation of trade, according to its Strategic Plan 2017 -2021, from the operative rearrangement, the simplification and automation of the processes, efficient fiscal management, supported by the impact of the controls that have been implemented, the decisive fight against the customs illicit, a good performance of the economy, among other factors, aspects that earned numerous and important awards and recognitions to the General Customs Office in 2018, establishing a milestone in this regard.

The General Budget Law 2019 has a goal for customs in the order of RD $ 161 billion pesos, that is, 18.2% more than the income of 2018, a great challenge that is, among other equally important aspects, a combination between the growth of the economy, the revitalization of the productive sectors, consumption, the increase in imports, and an effective exercise of customs control and facilitation.