Fed Names Executive Vice President and Head Financial Institution Supervision Group

Fed Names Executive Vice President and Head Financial Institution Supervision Group

NEW YORK – The Federal Reserve Bank of New York today announced that Kevin Stiroh, senior vice president in the Bank’s Integrated Policy Analysis Group (IPA), has been named executive vice president and head of the Bank’s Financial Institution Supervision Group (FISG), effective October 26, 2015. Mr. Stiroh will also serve on the Bank’s management committee.

As head of FISG, Mr. Stiroh will oversee the teams and functions responsible for supervising, under delegated authority, financial institutions in the Second District subject to Federal Reserve supervision. He will also contribute to the Federal Reserve System’s implementation of supervisory policies and procedures. In this respect, he will serve alongside other Reserve District supervision heads on the Board of Governor’s Supervision Committee, and will serve on the Board’s Large Institution Supervision Coordinating Committee (LISCC), which oversees the largest, most systemically important financial institutions in the United States.

“Kevin’s vast experience across the core businesses of the Bank and System has prepared him well for his new role,” said William C. Dudley, president and chief executive officer of the Bank. “He is a strong leader who can provide expertise and guidance with respect to both institutional and financial stability matters. He will lead FISG and ensure that it is well-positioned to meet new challenges and opportunities.”

Mr. Stiroh has more than 15 years of experience at the New York Fed, including most recently within the IPA Group where he led the Core Analysis function. Prior to assuming that role, Mr. Stiroh worked in the Markets Group as co-head of the Market Operations, Monitoring, and Analysis (MOMA) Function, a position he held for three years. He has participated in a number of international working groups on financial topics including development of the capital surcharge for systemically important banks and the reform of reference interest rates.

From 2009 to 2012, Mr. Stiroh ran the Financial Sector Analysis department in the Financial Institution Supervision Group where he played a leadership role in the development and execution of the Comprehensive Capital Analysis and Review (CCAR) process. He joined the Bank in 1999 in the Research and Statistics Group and became a vice president in 2006. After a brief stint in the private sector, he rejoined the Bank in 2008 as a vice president in the Research and Statistics Group.

Mr. Stiroh’s academic research includes work on productivity and the sources of economic growth and the efficiency and behavior of financial institutions.

Mr. Stiroh holds a B.A. from Swarthmore College in economics and psychology and an M.A. and Ph.D. from Harvard University in economics.