WTTC announces collaboration with Harvard School of Public Health

WTTC announces collaboration with Harvard School of Public Health

The WTTC, an organization that represents entrepreneurs in the Travel and Tourism industry globally, and the Department of Environmental Health of the T.H. Harvard Chan, revealed the beginning of a partnership during a successful two-day leadership program at Harvard University. Through this collaboration, innovative research on sustainability within the sector will be carried out.

Event participants had the opportunity to share common objectives, while working on projects that challenge the status quo, with the main objective of ensuring that the tourism sector remains a lever for the well-being and development of countries.

Based on global trends, those present were invited to imagine ways in which companies can exist as an engine for development, by adopting sustainable business strategies and participating in transformative leadership.

The researchers of the WTTC and the T.H. Harvard Chan has as one of its main goals to support companies and leaders of the Travel and Tourism industry, as they work to share best practices, continue to support sustainability as a central priority to ensure the sustainable growth of the sector and co-creation of societies.

The speakers were professors from the Harvard Business School, the John F. Kennedy School of Government and the T.H. Chan of Public Health as they are: Rebecca Henderson, Howard Koh and Ronald Heifetz as well as Paul Polman, former CEO of Unilever and current Advocate for the UN Sustainable Development Goals, along with Program Directors, Doctors Wendy Purcell and Jack Splengler

They were joined by leaders of companies such as: Dallas Fort Worth International Airport, Carlson Wagonlit Travel, Royal Caribbean Cruises, Virtuoso, Lebua, Carnival Corporation, Intrepid Group, Google, Hotelbeds, City Sightseeing, Apple Leisure Group, Indian Hotels and The Travel Corporation

In this regard, Gloria Guevara Manzo, President and CEO of the WTTC said: “We are very excited about this new partnership with the T.H. Harvard Chan, one of the most important academic institutions in the world. We hope that this program, and the research that will be generated, will help mark the beginning of a new era within the Travel and Tourism sector, in which both the public and private sectors work together to guarantee social and environmental responsibility. ”

At the meeting, Dr. Wendy Purcell, Director of the Harvard School of Public Health mentioned: “The opportunity to develop an innovative strategy for the sector, based on research, in collaboration with the WTTC, has the potential to change the perspective that you have from the Travel and Tourism industry to make it more sustainable ”.

While Dr. Jack Spengler, Akira Yamaguchi Professor of Environmental Health and Human Habitat at the T.H. School of Public Health. Chan commented: “The accelerated pace of climate change requires that we collaborate in all sectors of society. Working with the WTTC to change the trajectory we are in is an opportunity to create a fair future that respects nature. ”

For his part, Brett Tollman, CEO of The Travel Corporation said: “Our planet, its varied societies and species face a growing crisis. The discussions we held at Harvard these days initiated by the WTTC reinforced the idea that sustainable and purpose-oriented tourism should be a shared objective of the industry, rather than a competitive advantage. An agreed alignment of business objectives to include sustainability and turn it into a business with positive impact has been the focus of these sessions, and I think there is a real opportunity to generate change and do it quickly. ”

Participants were also able to listen to Sean Donohue, CEO of Dallas Forth Worth International Airport, who noted: “This partnership will combine world class research and analytical rigor at Harvard University with the WTTC leadership commitment to drive continued progress. of sustainability and commercial value “.