Life happens…

Life happens…

What’s going on in your life today? Preparing to graduate? Have a changing family dynamic? Returning from military service? Or just moving into this country? Big life changes seem to come frequently, and they don’t just impact your daily routine — they can affect your finances, too. Here are some ideas to help you land on your feet when you face a change. Because who has time to panic?

Perhaps you’ve just graduated and are about to be financially independent for the first time. It’s a big step, and it’s important that you know how to manage your credit cards, open a bank account, and prepare a proper budget to keep your spending on track.

If you’re recently widowed or divorced and lack a credit history, you might need to build up your credit. There are many ways to get good credit, which will help you be able to rent a home, and get better interest rates on loans.

If you’re returning from military service, or having any career change, you should learn about job scams. You might run across great-looking listings for jobs that don’t really exist. Their aim? To get your personal information or your money.

Are you going through the immigration process? Scammers try to take advantage of people’s confusion with the complicated process. The FTC offers helpful information about immigration scams. This information and our website also are available in Spanish and other languages.

We all undergo significant life changes at some point. They can be stressful and confusing, and we could all use some help. No matter where you are in life, if you see a scam, let us know by filing a complaint. Your report could help others avoid being side-tracked by fraud.