MEPs discuss priorities for development policy in 2016

MEPs discuss priorities for development policy in 2016

If you want to get results, you need to plan ahead: the European Commission is drafting its working programme for next year and MEPs are always keen to help shape it. The development committee organised on 23 June a discussion on what should happen concerning development policy in 2016 with Neven Mimica, the commissioner for international cooperation and development. The meeting was opened by UK S&D member Linda McAvan, chair of the development committee.

Important time for development

Mimica said it was a crucial time for development policy: “For the first time the EU is committed to reach the target of 0.20% of gross national income for official development assistance for the least developed countries.”

Parliament will send a delegation to the conference on financing development in Addis Ababa in July. The commissioner said MEPs had an important role to play at the conference by championing the EU’s position on different topics: “We count on you to be a powerful advocate on these issues.”

On migration Mimica said that the root causes must be addressed without delay, pointing out: “It is not the EU, but developing countries that host 86 % of the world’s refugees.”