The five challenges ANATO poses for tourism in 2020

The five challenges ANATO poses for tourism in 2020

Different aspects have made it possible that the conditions for the development of tourism are becoming better in our country, and although the closing figures for 2019 are still unknown, ANATO expects a positive outlook for the year that begins. For that, it poses some challenges that the actors of the sector must face in order to point towards the advancement of the industry.

One of the main challenges is related to the investment in infrastructure, transport, accommodation, gastronomy, airports, among others, that provide tourists with better scenarios to enjoy their vacations or corporate trips. In Colombia, expansion and modernization works of the main terminals have been started up, with the aim of being able to meet the high demand of passengers who are moving by air to the interior or exterior of the country.

“Tourism is a great contributor to the national economy and this shows that more and more people are betting on this activity. The travel industry achieves greater boom not only at the national level but in the world and that is why we must have an innovative portfolio of services that tourists have new and different alternatives to enjoy their trips and that is what our Agencies are betting on ” explained Paula Cortés Calle, executive president of ANATO.

A second aspect is formalization, a scourge that has been in the industry for years. One of the great challenges is to make companies compete in an equitable market and report formal employment, parafiscal payment, among others, and thus avoid direct consequences on the consumer.

“Progress has been made on this issue. Recently, the Minister of Commerce, Industry and Tourism, José Manuel Restrepo opened the Permanent Tables for Tourism Formalization, an initiative that seeks to identify and find actions that establish clear rules of the game for the formalization of entrepreneurs who are part of the chain of value, ”said the union leader.

A third aspect is related to promoting the country not only as a holiday destination but also for events and conventions. More and more travelers are saying that the main reason for their visit to Colombia is to develop meetings and business tourism. Although Bogotá, Medellín and Cartagena are the ones that have positioned themselves most in this segment, other cities have joined by opening establishments for the realization of events of international stature.

The fourth challenge the training of industry actors. “From ANATO we have worked in the training not only of our Travel Agencies, but of the entire sector, with the aim of providing them with tools that allow them to face the demands of today’s traveler. We must build scenarios that lead us to compete with other international tourist destinations, because we have everything to stand out in the market, ”said Paula Cortés Calle.

Finally, by carrying out the above, the Travel Agencies will continue betting on recursion in the design of their packages. New destinations and products, better connectivity, the promotion of more tourist segments and exercising their work under formality, will lead to a more diversified offer to create unique experiences for travelers.

The executive president of ANATO concluded: “Colombia is still a promising economy and this is what other countries have shown. Therefore, it is necessary to continue working on these challenges and make Colombia achieve greater growth and international recognition”.