Infrastructure: The Bipartisan Opportunity Congress and America Needs

Infrastructure: The Bipartisan Opportunity Congress and America Needs

Washington, D.C. can be known for its partisan reputation, and we have seen many legislative failures at the hands of the different parties being unable to find common ground.

However, modernizing America’s infrastructure is the prime example of a great opportunity to change the narrative and show the American people that our representatives can put their differences aside and come together on something they agree on: fixing our nation’s crumbling roads, bridges, public transportation and other critical infrastructures.

Over the past few months we’ve seen forward-moving action on this, along with some roadblocks – the president and congressional leaders met and agreed that America’s infrastructure needs to be addressed, however they couldn’t come together on a funding option. But in more promising news, the Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works (EPW) recently passed a five-year highway bill – a bipartisan step toward infrastructure legislation.

Despite some legislative dysfunction, the U.S. Chamber of Commerce along with a large coalition of business and labor groups have been working together over the past few years to push Congress and the president to enact common-sense, bipartisan legislation that will benefit all Americans. Below you can hear from key players in this movement:

“We cannot afford to wait on infrastructure reform. Each day we delay, our economy loses tens of millions of dollars and thousands of jobs. That’s why we call on our nation’s leaders to reach across the aisle — just as we are now — to come together on a bipartisan infrastructure plan.”

Eric Garcetti, Mayor of Los Angeles and Tom Donohue, CEO, U.S. Chamber of Commerce
“As the heads of the nation’s leading business and labor organizations, we don’t always see eye to eye on things, but on this, we are in lockstep: Rebuilding and modernizing our nation’s crumbling infrastructure will benefit every business, every worker and every family in the United States.”

Tom Donohue, CEO, U.S. Chamber of Commerce and Richard Trumka, President, AFLCIO
“Upgrading our roads, bridges and transit systems has been a top bipartisan priority since the 2016 elections and one of the few areas of common ground between the House and Senate. The Senate EPW Committee demonstrated that once again with its unanimous July 30 approval of a five-year highway reauthorization bill. It’s time for the House to act. Even in an era of divided government, many lawmakers still want to demonstrate they can govern to earn re-election in 2020.”

Dave Bauer, President & CEO, American Road & Transportation Builders Association (ARTBA)
“The strength of our economy relies on sound roads and bridges, as more than 70% of our nation’s goods travel by highway on the back of trucks. With the right investment, we can stem America’s deepening infrastructure crisis and instead achieve a 21st century infrastructure worthy of the world’s leading economy.”

Chris Spear, President & CEO, American Trucking Associations (ATA)
“The urgent needs for a modernized infrastructure bill continue to grow and our nation’s economic vitality and quality of life are at stake. Our large stakeholder group of business and labor will not rest until the Administration and Congress come together to enact an infrastructure modernization bill this year.”

Ed Mortimer, Vice President of Transportation and Infrastructure, U.S. Chamber of Commerce
Modernizing America’s infrastructure would drive economic growth, provide jobs, improve our quality of life and enhance global competitiveness. The business and labor communities are committed to seeing this through. Now we need leaders in Washington to do the same.