Florida Business Leaders Applaud Governor Scott’s 0 Million Tax Cut Proposal

Florida Business Leaders Applaud Governor Scott’s $180 Million Tax Cut Proposal

NAPLES, Fla. – Earlier this week, Governor Rick Scott announced that he is proposing $180 million in tax cuts for Florida families. The Governor’s proposal includes sales tax holidays to help families prepare for the school year and hurricane season, and reductions to many of the fees on driver’s licenses. For a video highlight click HERE. Here’s what Florida business leaders are saying:

President and CEO of Florida Retail Federation Scott Shalley said, “We thank Governor Scott for proposing his tax package, which includes a record-tying 10-day back-to-school sales tax holiday and one for disaster preparedness, saving Florida families more than $88 million and providing increased sales to Sunshine State retailers. We are eager to see the positive impact these two important holidays will have in both helping students prepare for school and also ensuring that residents and visitors can buy the critical supplies they need to protect themselves both before and after a natural disaster.”

President and CEO of Associated Industries of Florida Tom Feeney said, “I am pleased to see this tax relief proposal come from our great Governor. Governor Scott and the Florida Legislature have worked together for the last several years to reduce the tax burden facing Florida families and businesses in a broad-based and meaningful way. This proposal furthers that commitment.”

President and CEO of the Florida Chamber of Commerce Mark Wilson said, “The Florida Chamber of Commerce is pleased to see Governor Scott working hard to save Florida families money. The $180 million tax cut proposal will help families all across Florida, and will put hard earned money back into taxpayer pockets.”

Florida Executive Director of the National Federation of Independent Business Bill Herrle said, “I am pleased to see this tax relief proposal from Governor Scott, who is furthering his commitment to easing the tax burden on Floridians. Governor Scott’s record of delivering tax cuts has saved Florida small businesses and taxpayers over $7.5 billion, and I am proud to support these tax cuts that will benefit job creators, their employees and families across Florida.”

President and CEO of the Florida Trucking Association Ken Armstrong said, “The Florida Trucking Association applauds Governor Scott for his leadership in rolling back fees and taxes that were significantly increased over 8 years ago. These increased fees disproportionally impacted the commercial motor vehicle industry. This fee reduction will send a strong message that Florida supports the trucking industry and the huge impact it has on the economy.”

CEO of Wawa Inc. Chris Gheysens said, “The Governor’s proposal includes sales tax holidays to help families prepare for the school year and hurricane season, and reductions to many of the fees on driver’s licenses. Since 2010, the Governor has cut taxes more than 75 times, saving Floridians more than $7.5 billion. We support Governor Scott’s new tax cut proposal and can’t wait to see the effect it will have on Florida’s economy.”

President of National Supermarket #1 Carlos Hernandez said, “Governor Scott truly understands that tax cuts help Florida families. A 10-day back-to-school sales tax holiday will allow families to prepare their students for the upcoming school year and help ensure students have everything they need to be successful.”

Owner of The Shoe Box Geof Weldon said, “It is important that we put money back in the hands of tax payers. This tax cut package will save Florida families $180 million. I’m proud to work with Governor Scott and the Legislature this year to support this tax cut package.”

Director of Public Affairs and Government Relations for Walmart Stores, Inc. Monesia T. Brown said, “Walmart is proud to support Governor Scott’s $180 million tax cut package for Florida’s families. Our associates across the state witness the appreciation of students, parents and educators who are able to purchase tax-free supplies for the school year. On behalf of our 110,000 store associates across the state, we are also fully committed to helping every family prepare for potential hurricanes with the tax-free disaster preparedness programs. Walmart will continue to advocate for our customers and looks forward to working with Governor Scott to make these opportunities a reality in Florida.”

Director of Sales and Marketing for Ira Higdon Grocery Co. Jim Dunn said, “Governor Scott’s tax cut package includes a number of cuts which will significantly support Florida’s families. We have seen what can happen when a major hurricane comes through our state and I am proud to support the three one-week disaster preparedness sales tax holidays included in his proposal.”