Exporters elect Alvaro Sousa as new president

Exporters elect Alvaro Sousa as new president

Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic, April 3, 2016- The Dominican Republic Exporters Association (ADOEXPO) elected the members of its new Board for 2016-2018, chaired by Alvaro Sousa Sevilla, who promised to make great efforts to increase exports in sales volume and number of companies can place their products and services abroad.

The outgoing president of ADOEXPO, Sadala Khoury, swore in the incoming president after a eleccionaria general assembly, held in the Board Room of the business entity, located in the widening Juliet, with the majority participation of its members and the which was the reporting of the finalized management.

The new Board consists ADOEXPO 2016-2018, plus Sousa Sevilla, the Diesco group, José Miguel Vega, the company Gerdau Metaldom, first vice president; Gabriel Roig Roig Agrocacao, second vice president, and Franklin Leon, Dominican National Brewery (CND), third vice president.

In addition, William Read Ortíz, the Reserve Bank; treasurer; Eduardo Barceló, Barceló Export Import (BEICA), vice-treasurer; Luis Espinola, the Banco Popular Dominicano, secretary and directors of the Board are Gabriel Rodriguez, FALCONDO; Carlos Singer, of Termo Envases; Mexico Angeles, Barrick Gold; Samuel Conde, Zona Franca Caucedo; Karel Castillo, Agribusiness ocoeña; Luis Concepcion, Brugal & Company; Carlos Gonzalez, CEMEX Dominicana; Mario Jose Garcia, Agro Industrial Nagua.

Kai advisers are Schoenhals, INICIA; Ricardo Koenig, Commodity, CxA; José Mella, Maritime and Commercial Agency; Celso Marranzini Juan, Dominican Multiquimica, and Fernando Gonzalez, Commercial Consortium Caribbean.

First statement

The new president of ADOEXPO said “it is our interest, always support entrepreneurs and all those companies that want to export. I is why in ADOEXPO will support and assist small and medium enterprises, helping them through consultation, advice and statistical information, with the aim that can make viable export plans, “he explained.

He said they are in their plans to include professional services to construction companies, law firms or consultants who move to other countries to provide services, to expand its customer base.

He said that “it is imperative that our country has a National Export Strategy that has as its goal to create the necessary bases that allow us to improve competitiveness and promote innovation.”

He advocated continue promoting meetings of the Presidential Committee of Exports, the proper functioning of the Single Window Export and make ADOEXPO members can obtain competitive funding through the newly created Export Bank.

“We are clear that the Dominican Republic has a huge export potential and an enviable strategic location. For this reason, we must continue working hand in hand with the State, in order to create policies that create a competitive structure within the various export sectors of the country. ”

“We have a country full of wealth and quality products, and is in us, Dominicans, to bring sustainable and competitive way to international markets,” he explained.

On the new president of ADOEXPO

Alvaro Sousa Sevilla graduated from the Pontificia Universidad Catolica Madre y Maestra (PUCMM), where a bachelor’s degree in marketing obtained, has a master’s degree in Management, mention finance at the Technological Institute of Santo Domingo (INTEC) and business administration (MBA) in Barna Business School.

Labora in Diesco since 2002, where he held various management positions in the areas of commercial and financial businesses. In the last 14 years markets products and services group in more than 25 countries, achieving national and international recognition.

From the private sector, through the Business Committee for International Negotiations (CENI), it has been involved in the defense of national productive sectors during the negotiations of free trade agreements DR CAFTA and the Economic Partnership Agreement with the European Union (EPA).

He has also participated in meetings of market access with countries of the Caribbean Community (CARICOM).

He currently holds the presidency of the Chamber of Commerce of Trinidad & Tobago and is a member of the Board of Directors of the APEC University since 2007 and the Board of Directors of ADOEXPO since 2010.