China and the US resume trade negotiations

China and the US resume trade negotiations

BEIJING – Delegates from the United States will go to Beijing on Monday to discuss the trade dispute that is threatening to weaken the world economy, the Chinese government reported.

There will be two days of dialogues with the objective of complying with the agreement forged between presidents Donald Trump and Xi Jinping last month to postpone the imposition of new tariffs, the Ministry of Commerce of China said on Friday.

He added that the US delegation will be headed by the commercial vice representative Jeffrey D. Gerrish, but did not give other details, neither of the agenda nor of the participants.

The US embassy in Beijing did not immediately respond to a request to confirm the news or to provide more details.

Last month the Chinese government said the dialogue will focus first on agricultural products, energy and automobiles.

Negotiations are scheduled despite tensions over the arrest of a Chinese executive in Canada, under US charges related to a possible violation of economic sanctions against Iran.