Credit Rating Agency Charged With Misrepresenting Surveillance Methodology

The Securities and Exchange Commission today charged credit rating agency DBRS Inc. with misrepresenting its surveillance…

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International Conference on Advancing the Global Implementation of Decommissioning and Environmental Remediation Programmes

An International Conference on Advancing the Global Implementation of Decommissioning and Environmental Remediation Programmes will take…

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Import procedures for tyres and apples questioned by several WTO members

Procedures for the import of tyres into Indonesia and apples into India prompted several WTO members…

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LDC Group seeks Nairobi outcome on preferential rules of origin

Members of the Least-developed Country (LDC) Group introduced a new proposal on 20 October which they…

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Momentum builds on trade facilitation ahead of WTO Ministerial

This week saw the 50th government ratify the World Trade Organization’s (WTO) landmark Trade Facilitation Agreement…

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ICC releases statement on Misuse of Customs Valuation Databases

The International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) has released a policy statement on the Misuse of Customs…

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Take notice: How your credit history can affect your monthly bill

When you apply for things like cable or satellite TV, mobile phone service, or internet service,…

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FTC Approves Final Consent Order Against BMW of North America

Following a public comment period, the Federal Trade Commission has approved a final consent order against…

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FTC Testifies Efforts Stop Fraud Affecting Older Americans

The Federal Trade Commission highlighted to Congress its multi-faceted approach to protecting older Americans from fraud…

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EBRD acquires a stake in Turkey’s Fibabanka

High potential lender gains trust of international financial institutions The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development…

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