CS/HB 401 Tracking devices and Applications

April 26, 2024
Governor Desantis sign CS/HB 401 on April 26, 2024. CS/HB 401 deals with the use of Tracking Devices and Applications.

This bill aims to provide law enforcement with the tools necessary to enforce FSS 934.425 which deals with the installation of tracking devices or tracking applications; exceptions; penalties. CS/HB 401 amends FSS 934.425 and now prohibits an individual from knowing placing a tracking device or application onto another person’s property without their consent. This bill also prohibits the use of tracking devices and applications for the purpose of determining the location of an individual or the location of an individual’s property.

“Unlawfully installing a tracking device, tracking application, or “airtagging” is an immediate threat to the State of Florida, I am proud to say that we will not tolerate a person’s invasion of privacy.”