Senator Linda Stewart Responds to Decision to Allow Abortion Amendment on Ballot

Orlando, FL – With the announcement of the Florida Supreme court decision approving the language of a ballot initiative that would protect access to abortion, Senator Linda Stewart (D-Orlando) speaks out:


“The language of Amendment 4 is perfectly clear and we are thankful that a majority of the members of the Florida Supreme Court agreed.”


Floridians Protecting Freedom, also known as Yes on 4 Florida, is the name of the grassroots group that gathered the nearly 1 million signatures needed to put the proposed amendment on the ballot. With the Supreme Court approval, the proposed amendment will now require 60% of votes to pass. The language of the ballot initiative reads as follows:


“Except as provided in Article X, Section 22, no law shall prohibit, penalize, delay, or restrict abortion before viability or when necessary to protect the patient’s health, as determined by the patient’s healthcare provider.”


The initiative would not change the state legislature’s authority to enact a law requiring the parents of a minor to be notified if their child is seeking an abortion, with exceptions that can be attained through a judicial waiver.


“Yes on 4 Florida has worked hard to get this amendment on the ballot, and they fought harder against those who would like to see women’s freedom and autonomy taken away from them. I am glad the Supreme Court of Florida ruled in favor of taking the initiative to the people, and I hope to see further protections for women’s rights. There is nothing unclear about the choice being given to Floridians this upcoming November. Now is the time to register to vote and ensure our rights in the state’s constitution,” said Stewart.

