Spa therapists in the workforce in Seychelles

Spa therapists in the workforce in Seychelles

The demand for more qualified therapists has grown over the years in the Seychelles tourism industry. This was the main point of discussion on Tuesday, December 20, 2016, at the ESPACE Building offices of the Ministry of Tourism, Civil Aviation, Ports and Marine in Victoria.

In a meeting to find means and ways to encourage tourist establishments, especially hotels, to employ local students after completion of their studies, the Minister of Tourism, Civil Aviation, Ports and Marine, Alain St.Ange; the Minister for Employment, Entrepreneurship Development and Business Innovation, Wallace Crosgrow; Principal Secretary of Tourism, Anne Lafortune; Principal Secretary for Employment, Jules Baker; Director General for Employment Promotion, Cecile Hoareau; and members from the Seychelles Tourism Academy led by Flavien Joubert, the Principal of the Academy, met together with Barry Laine, Principal Founder of the Academy of High Performance, from the private sector.

Based on the argument presented by Mr. Laine that the graduates from his academy are facing unnecessary challenges of being employed by the tourism sector, the discussions outlined the challenges, gaps, and various initiatives that could be pursued by the private institution in order to increase the possibility of students being recruited. Mr. Laine trains students to become Holistic Therapists, whereby they follow an intense course of the body systems and aromatherapy over 6 weeks.

The discussions were very fruitful, and the Employment Department of the Ministry for Employment, Entrepreneurship Development and Business Innovation confirmed that they are ready to assist students in being placed in the industry. Therapists’ jobs are essential, as they promote wellness and relaxation to clients, and they contribute to the clients’ well-being on holiday or even on business trips. Seychelles is rated among the world’s leading destination for tourists, and the islands believe in providing quality service.

There are many paths to becoming a good spa therapist, and there is no one “best” model for education and career development, however, all of the key players must work together to make education, training, and skills upgrades a top priority in order to address challenges and find ways to assist students after the completion of their studies to be placed in the industry.