Million Florida Job Growth Fund Will Invest in New Jobs and Competitive Communities

$85 Million Florida Job Growth Fund Will Invest in New Jobs and Competitive Communities

MIAMI, Fla. – Enterprise Florida and the Florida Department of Economic Opportunity (DEO) are accepting economic development project proposals for the new $85 million Florida Job Growth Grant Fund. Economic development projects that enhance community infrastructure or develop workforce training programs are eligible to receive funding. To find out more information about the grant fund, or download project proposal templates, click HERE.

Governor Scott said, “With more than 1.37 million jobs created across our state since December 2010 and the lowest unemployment rate in nearly 10 years, it is clear that Florida’s economy has experienced incredible growth. However, we are competing against other states and countries for new jobs, and we must aggressively fight to make Florida the best destination for business. That is why I worked with the Legislature to establish the new $85 million Florida Job Growth Fund, which will invest in infrastructure and workforce training needs across the state- two major factors that job creators consider when choosing an ideal location. I am proud to announce that DEO and EFI are now accepting proposals for the fund and I encourage Florida communities to apply today.”

Governor Scott worked with the Legislature to establish the new $85 million Florida Job Growth Grant Fund during the recent special session. This flexible, transparent economic development program is the first of its kind and will be used to promote public infrastructure and individual job training, which will encourage more businesses to choose Florida as a destination for business. DEO will work with Enterprise Florida, the state’s premier economic development agency, and other state and local partners to identify projects that may be considered for funding.

Senate President Joe Negron said, “I am pleased to see the application process launch so quickly. Key investments in infrastructure and job training provided through the Florida Job Growth Grant Fund will help keep Florida businesses and employees on the cutting edge of their industries. With new transparency measures, the Florida Job Growth Grant Fund strikes the right balance between accountability to the taxpayers who fund our government and the flexibility needed to remain nationally competitive in our economic development efforts. My colleagues and I appreciate Governor Scott’s leadership in this important endeavor.”

House Speaker Richard Corcoran said, “This fund will free up the Governor to cut through unnecessary bureaucracy, regulation, and red tape to improve infrastructure and education leading to greater job growth and opportunity for all Floridians.”

Cissy Proctor, Executive Director of DEO, said, “Communities across Florida have so many opportunities for economic development and job growth. The Florida Job Growth Fund allows DEO to provide needed flexible funding to enhance infrastructure and develop a strong workforce across the state.”

Mike Grissom, interim President & CEO of Enterprise Florida, said, “Florida is already a top business destination. The new Florida Job Growth Grant Fund provides another valuable tool to Florida communities as they compete on a global stage for economic development projects that transform communities and invest into our state.”